Results for 'Cornelius C. Amadi'

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  1.  11
    Values and Educational Growth.Columbus N. Ogbujah, Cornelius C. Amadi & Charles B. Berebon - 2024 - Dialogue and Universalism 34 (1):159-171.
    Values---the individual’s or group’s general tastes regarding results or courses of actions deemed appropriate or otherwise, have a synergetic relationship with educational growth. Ordinarily, the values espoused by individuals or groups engender specific types of attitudes that elicit precise sorts of behaviours that open the horizon for definite sorts of educational growth. Conversely, the quality and quantity of educational growth of a nation influence the behaviours of the citizens which generate attitudes that ultimately create values. This rectangular-like bidirectional correlation has (...)
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    Greek and Roman Sculpture in America: Masterpieces in Public Collections in the United States and Canada.Richard E. Mitchell & Cornelius C. Vermeule - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetic Education 21 (4):158.
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    Antiretroviral Therapy Coverage, Entrepreneurship, and Development in Low- and Middle-Income Countries.Cornelius A. Rietveld & Pankaj C. Patel - 2025 - Business and Society 64 (3):441-471.
    Improvements in the health capital of citizens are central to the development of countries. By exploiting steep decreases in antiretroviral drug prices and the subsequent increases in antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage, we test whether the resulting improvements in the health of the population are associated with the prevalence of entrepreneurial activity and whether entrepreneurial activity strengthens the relationship between ART coverage and a country’s development. Drawing on a sample of 87 low- and middle-income countries (2006–2019), we find that a 1% (...)
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  4. Message in a bottle from ‘the crisis of reality’: on Ludwik Fleck’s interventions for an open epistemology.Cornelius Borck - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 35 (3):447-464.
    The continuing relevance of Ludwik Fleck’s work, above its status as a classic in science studies, lies in his reflexive conceptualisation of an open epistemology. As early as 1929, in the midst of a broad debate about a ‘crisis’ of science, Fleck offered a socio-historical analysis of the widely assumed crisis in form of an epistemology. He presented his argument, which was in itself an interrogation of the metaphysical foundations of science, as a reflexive and political intervention to this debate. (...)
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  5. The Work of Christ.G. C. Berkouwer & Cornelius Lambregtse - 1965
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    'n Fundamenteel-pedagogiese besinning oor aanspreek en aanhoor as pedagogiese synswyses, deur C.J.G. Kilian.Cornelius Johannes Gysbertus Kilian - 1970 - [Pretoria]: Universiteit van Pretoria, Fakulteit Opvoedkunde, Werkgemeenskap ter bevordering van die Pedagogiek as Wetenskap.
  7.  20
    How we may think.Cornelius Borck - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 57:112-120.
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  8. The James-Lange theory: A logical post-mortem.Cornelius L. Golightly - 1953 - Philosophy of Science 20 (4):286-299.
    The following statement from James’ 1884 essay in Mind is repeated in his later work and appears often in secondary sources as a summary of his celebrated theory of the emotions:Our natural way of thinking about these standard emotions is that the mental perception of some fact excites the mental affection called the emotion, and that this latter state of mind gives rise to the bodily expression. My thesis on the contrary is that the bodily changes follow directly the Perception (...)
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    What type of inclusion does epistemic injustice require?Anye-Nkwenti Nyamnjoh & Cornelius Ewuoso - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (5):341-342.
    Bridget Pratt and Jantina de Vries1 have made an insightful contribution to enhancing epistemic justice in global health ethics. Their elaboration details intellectual (external) exclusion—described as non-representation—across three levels, and at its core, proposes inclusion to rectify this. To extend this work, we contend that it is worth probing the nuances and challenges associated with inclusion as a response to epistemic injustice. These include (A) the meaning of inclusion outside binary vocabularies of north and south; (B) the possibility of forms (...)
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  10.  34
    Instabilität in Natur Und Wissenschaft: Eine Wissenschaftsphilosophie der Nachmodernen Physik.Jan Cornelius Schmidt - 2008 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Review text: "Es gibt Bücher, die durch ihre unprätentiöse, stille und sorgfältige Vorgehensweise auf den ersten Blick über die Sensation hinwegtäuschen, die sie bloßlegen und zur Diskussion anbieten. So ein Buch ist die "Wissenschaftphilosophie? von Jan C. Schmidt, die über die "Instabilität in Natur und Wissenschaft? handelt."Günter Altner in: Naturwissenschaftliche Rundschau 9/2009.
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    A Nap But Not Rest or Activity Consolidates Language Learning.Stefan Heim, Juliane Klann, Kerstin I. Schattka, Sonja Bauhoff, Gesa Borcherding, Nicole Nosbüsch, Linda Struth, Ferdinand C. Binkofski & Cornelius J. Werner - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Stellungnahme zur Etablierung der sekundären Forschungsnutzung von Behandlungsdaten in Deutschland. Ergebnisse des Verbundprojekts LinCDat: "Learning from Clinical Data. Ethical, Social and Legal Aspects".Martin Jungkunz, Anja Köngeter, Markus Spitz, Katja Mehlis, Kai Cornelius, Christoph Schickhardt & Eva C. Winkler - 2022 - Forum Marsilius Kolleg.
    Die sekundäre Forschungsnutzung von Behandlungsdaten hat großes Potenzial, biomedizinisches Wissen zu erweitern und die Patientenversorgung zu verbessern. Gleichzeitig sind für eine bessere Ausschöpfung dieses Potenzials diverse Herausforderungen zu bewältigen. Dies gilt insbesondere in Deutschland, wo im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern, wie z.B. Dänemark oder Finnland, die sekundäre Forschungsnutzung von Behandlungsdaten unterentwickelt ist. Die Intensivierung der Nutzung der Daten aus Diagnose und Therapie von Patienten und die Entwicklung der dafür notwendigen Strukturen in Deutschland ist ethisch und politisch geboten: für die Verbesserung (...)
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  13.  72
    Science and Civilization [ed. by R.C. Stauffer]. [REVIEW]A. Cornelius Benjamin - 1951 - Philosophical Review 60 (1):106.
  14.  62
    Book Review:Philosophy as a Science: Its Matter and Its Method. C. J. Ducasse. [REVIEW]A. Cornelius Benjamin - 1942 - Ethics 52 (3):379-.
  15.  54
    Cornelius C. Vermeule: The Dal Pozzo-Albani Drawings of Classical Antiquities in the British Museum. (Transactions of the American Philosophical Society, N.S. vol. 50, part 5.) Pp. 78; 103 figs. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1960. Paper, $2.00. [REVIEW]R. M. Cook - 1961 - The Classical Review 11 (03):313-.
  16.  20
    Hans Cornelius. 27. September 1863 bis 23. August 1947.C. A. Emge - 1949 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 3 (2):264 - 270.
  17. Hans Cornelius.C. A. Emge - 1948 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 3:264.
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  18.  32
    Cornelius Agrippa's De vanitate: Polemic or Paradox?Barbara C. Bowen - 1972 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 34 (2):249-256.
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  19. Cornelius Castoriadis: Auto-Institution and Radical Democracy.Brian C. J. Singer - 2014 - In Martin Breaugh, Christopher Holman, Rachel Magnusson, Paul Mazzocchi & Devin Penner, Thinking radical democracy: the return to politics in post-war France. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
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  20. Cornelius Castoriadis.Philosoph Der Sozialwissenschafter & C. Psychoanalytiker - 2004 - In Gisela Riescher, Politische Theorie der Gegenwart in Einzeldarstellungen. Von Adorno bis Young. Alfred Kröner Verlag. pp. 89.
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  21. Cornelius, H., Psychologie als Erfahrungswissenschaft. [REVIEW]C. Gutberlet - 1898 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 11:322-324.
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  22.  58
    Personalism in theology: a symposium in honor of Albert Cornelius Knudson.Albert C. Knudson & Edgar Sheffield Brightman (eds.) - 1943 - New York: AMS Press.
    Leslie, E. A. Albert Cornelius Knudson, the man.--McConnell, F. J. Bowne and personalism.--Brightman, E. S. Personality as a metaphysical principle.--Hildebrand, C. D. Personalism and nature.--Ramsdell, E. T. The cultural integration of science and religion.--Ensley, F. G. The personality of God.--Harkness, G. Divine sovereignity and human freedom.--Pfeiffer, R. H. Personalistic elements in the Old Testament.--Flewelling, R. T. Personalism and the trend of history.--Muelder, W. G. Personality and Christian ethics.--King, W. J. Personalism and race.--Marlatt, E. B. Personalism and religious education.
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    L. Cornelius Sisenna and the Early First Century B.C.Elizabeth Rawson - 1979 - Classical Quarterly 29 (2):327-346.
    The most important historical work in Latin that was actually written in the first half of the first century B C. was L. Cornelius Sisenna's history of the War of the Allies and the Civil Wars which followed it, up to Sulla's dictatorship or conceivably death-the most important one that was not written being of course Cicero's. Sallust praised Sisenna's work highly in theJugurtba, though complaining that it was not sufficiently frank about Sulla, and his own lost histories began, (...)
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  24. Reviews : C.L.R. James, World Revolution 1917-1936: The Rise and Fall of the Communist International (Humanities Press, 1993); Michel Beaud, Socialism in the Crucible of History (Humanities Press, 1993); Cornelius Castoriadis, Political and Social Writings, Volume 3, 1961- 1979 (University of Minnesota Press, 1993); Moishe Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination—A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Tbeory (Cambridge University Press, 1993). [REVIEW]Peter Beilbarz - 1995 - Thesis Eleven 40 (1):133-138.
    Reviews : C.L.R. James, World Revolution 1917-1936: The Rise and Fall of the Communist International ; Michel Beaud, Socialism in the Crucible of History ; Cornelius Castoriadis, Political and Social Writings, Volume 3, 1961- 1979 ; Moishe Postone, Time, Labor, and Social Domination—A Reinterpretation of Marx's Critical Tbeory.
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    P. Cornelius Scipio and the Capture of New Carthage: The Tide, the Wind and Other Fantasies.J. H. Richardson - 2018 - Classical Quarterly 68 (2):458-474.
    In 209b.c.P. Cornelius Scipio captured the city of New Carthage. The victory was crucial for the Roman war effort in Spain, and indeed in Italy too, but Scipio's campaign is especially memorable—and the subject of much debate—on account of the manner in which the city was taken. New Carthage had in effect been built on a peninsula, with the sea to the south and a lagoon to the north, and with a canal joining the two to the west. The (...)
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  26.  45
    Cornelius Castoriadis : promesses et problèmes de la création.Danilo Martuccelli - 2002 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 113 (2):285-305.
    L’article est un examen critique de l’œuvre de Cornelius Castoriadis. Tout au long de sa vie, aussi bien par l’histoire des idées que par l’étude des situations socio-historiques, sa préoccupation centrale a toujours été d’établir le caractère créateur de l’action humaine. Mais dans sa réhabilitation intellectuelle de la création, Castoriadis donne en dernière instance le primat aux dimensions psychiques sur les dimensions sociales. C’est ce parcours et les principales conséquences sociologiques qu’il induit qui retiendront notre attention. Son œuvre permet (...)
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  27.  68
    (1 other version)Cornelius O’Boyle. Thirteenth‐ and Fourteenth‐Century Copies of the Ars medicine: A Checklist and Contents Description of the Manuscripts. xx+166 pp. Cambridge: Wellcome Unit for History of Medicine; Barcelona: Department of History of Science, CSIC, 1998. Jon Arrizabalaga. The Articella in the Early Press, c. 1476–1534. vi+84 pp., bibl., notes, index. Cambridge: Wellcome Unit for History of Medicine; Barcelona: Department of History of Science, CSIC, 1998.Papers of the Articella Project Meeting: Cambridge, December 1995. Introduction by Roger French. vi+52 pp., bibls. Cambridge: Wellcome Unit for History of Medicine; Barcelona: Department of History of Science, CSIC, 1998. [REVIEW]Danielle Jacquart - 2003 - Isis 94 (4):717-718.
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  28.  19
    The Origin of Cornelius Gallus.Ronald Syme - 1938 - Classical Quarterly 32 (1):39-44.
    C. Cornelius Gallus requires brief introduction or none at all. A poet in his own right, the friend of Virgil and of Pollio, Gallus is enshrined for ever in literature—and in literary legend, for the inept fictions of Servius and his tribe will survive the most damaging of revelations, remembered even when refuted. Not only that—Gallus is a conspicuous figure in the social and political history of the revolutionary age.
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    The Tribunate of Cornelius.William McDonald - 1929 - Classical Quarterly 23 (3-4):196-.
    The two years which intervened between the consulship of Pompey and Crassus 70 B.C. and the tribunate of Cornelius in 67 B.C. are for the most part neglected in standard histories of the period. It is true that they were uneventful, if by uneventful meant the absence of open hostilities between the two political parties. a careful investigation of the political affiliations of the men who were prominent these years, and of the significance of events which usually are considered (...)
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  30.  37
    Toward a Narrative-Critical Understanding of Luke.Robert C. Tannehill - 1994 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 48 (4):347-456.
    Tabitha and Cornelius, imaginary persons based on characters in Acts, occupy two different places in the first-century Mediterranean world. In hearing Luke's gospel-story, how would each construe the figure of Jesus? The social location of each would play a crucial role as each "builds" the character of Jesus in dialogue with Luke's story.
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  31.  79
    Some School Books - E. C. Kennedy and Bertha Tilley: Trojan Aeneas. Pp. xxi + 135; 8 plates. Cambridge: University Press, 1959. Cloth, 6 s. - C. G. Cooper: Journey to Hesperia. Pp. lxii + 189; 16 plates. London: Macmillan, 1959. Cloth, 7 s. 6 d. - R. Roebuck: Cornelius Nepos, Three Lives (Alcibiades, Dion, Atticus). Pp. vi + 138; 8 plates. London: Bell, 1958. Cloth, 5 s. - E. C. Kennedy: Caesar, De Bella Gallico iii. Pp. 107: 1 plate, 2 maps. Cambridge: University Press, 1959. Cloth, 6 s. - E. C. Kennedy: Caesar, De Bella Gallico iii. Pp. 224: 1 plate, 4 maps and plans. Cambridge: University Press, 1959. Cloth, 6 s. - R. C. Reeves: Horrenda. Pp. 159; drawings. Slough: Centaur Books, 1958. Cloth, 8 s. 6 d. - G. S. Thompson and C. H. Craddock: Latin. A Four Year Course to G.C.E. Ordinary Level: Book i. Pp. xi + 218: 5 maps. London and Glasgow: Blackie. Cloth, 7 s. 6 d. - S. K. Bailey: Roman Life and Letters. A Reader for the Sixth Form. Pp. x + 195; 7 plates. London:. [REVIEW]B. H. Kemball-Cook - 1960 - The Classical Review 10 (03):252-253.
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    Die Dreisprachige Stele des C. Cornelius Gallusthe Trilingual Stela of C. Cornelius Gallus From Philae. Translation, Commentary, and Analysis in its Historical Context.: Übersetzung Und Kommentar.Stefan Pfeiffer, Martina Minas-Nerpel & Friedhelm Hoffmann - 2009 - Walter de Gruyter.
    Die Zeitschrift Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete ist das älteste papyrologische Fachorgan der Welt. Sieunterscheidet sich von anderen papyrologischen Zeitschriften hauptsächlich durch ihre Referate (literarische Papyri, christliche Texte, Urkundenreferat, juristisches Referat, koptische Texte und Urkunden, Demotica Selecta sowie Darstellungen und Hilfsmittel). Die Beihefte zu der Zeitschrift vereinen sowohl Monographien als auch Sammelbände; im Zentrum stehen Neueditionen von Papyrustexten griechischer, lateinischer, koptischer, demotischer oder arabischer Sprache, die neue Erkenntnisse zu verschiedenen Bereichen des Altertums vermitteln: zu Philologie, Literatur, Philosophie, Religion, Politik (...)
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  33.  17
    Amor Dei in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.David C. Bellusci - 2013 - Amsterdam: Editions Rodopi.
    Amor Dei, “love of God” raises three questions: How do we know God is love? How do we experience love of God? How free are we to love God? This book presents three kinds of love, worldly, spiritual, and divine to understand God’s love. The work begins with Augustine’s Confessions highlighting his Manichean and Neoplatonic periods before his conversion to Christianity. Augustine’s confrontation with Pelagius anticipates the unresolved disputes concerning God’s love and free will. In the sixteenth-century the Italian humanist, (...)
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  34.  6
    Nothing is hidden: nonsense and the revelation of limits.Austin C. Kopack - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 85 (1):80-94.
    In this article, I aim to raise questions for natural theology by casting doubt on the intelligibility of absolute limit concepts, like ‘reality’, through comparing the reception of Wittgenstein by two English Dominicans, Cornelius Ernst and Herbert McCabe. First, I briefly examine the evolution of the Tractarian conception of a limit that demarcates sense from nonsense as it morphs in Wittgenstein’s middle period before being abandoned entirely. Ernst is consciously aware of this shift and concerned about its implications for (...)
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  35.  29
    Die Leistungssteigerung des Menschlichen Gehirns: Neuro-Enhancement Im Interdisziplinären Diskurs.Nicola Erny, Matthias Herrgen & Jan C. Schmidt (eds.) - 2018 - Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Die Autorinnen und Autoren dieses Bandes analysieren in kritischer Weise die Breite und Tiefe des Diskurses zu Neuro-Enhancement, der sich aber nicht nur durch ethische Fragen auszeichnet. Sie zeigen, dass es darüber hinaus grundlegende philosophische, anthropologische und gesellschaftstheoretische Aspekte sind, die im Steigerungsbedürfnis spätmoderner Leistungsgesellschaften zu Tage treten. So scheint eine neue Wunschwelt vor der Tür zu stehen: Doping fürs Gehirn! Der rasante Fortschritt der Neurowissenschaften hat das menschliche Gehirn erreicht. Die Möglichkeiten der Leistungssteigerung könnten bald auch das „Innerste“ des (...)
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  36.  92
    Tacitus, Histories V - Heinz Heubner: P. Cornelius Tacitus, Die Historien. Kommentar, Vol. V: Fünftes Buck, von H. Heubner und W. Fauth. Pp. 178. Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1982. DM. 150. [REVIEW]R. H. Martin - 1983 - The Classical Review 33 (2):218-220.
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  37.  38
    Fronto (Loeb Library) The Correspondence of Marcus Cornelius Fronto. By C. R. Haines. (Loeb Classical Library.) Two vols. Pp. liv + 309 (Vol. I.), 371 (Vol. II.). London: Heinemann, 1919. [REVIEW]E. S. Bouchier - 1922 - The Classical Review 36 (7-8):182-.
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    Quill's History of P. Cornelius Tacitus- The History of P. Cornelius Tacitus. Translated into English with an Introduction and Notes critical and explanatory, by Albert William Quill, M.A., T.C.D., sometime scholar of Trinity College, Dubline. Vol. I. London: John Murray. 7 s. 6 d[REVIEW]A. D. Godley - 1893 - The Classical Review 7 (04):167-.
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    The Gallus Monument (F.) Hoffmann, (M.) Minas-Nerpel, (S.) Pfeiffer Die dreisprachige Stele des C. Cornelius Gallus. Übersetzung und Kommentar. (Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete 9.) Pp. x + 225, ills, pls. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2009. Cased, €69.95, US$98. ISBN: 978-3-11-020120-8. [REVIEW]Robert Maltby - 2011 - The Classical Review 61 (2):605-607.
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    Weidmann's Series - Quintiliani, liber X., erkl. von E. Bonnell; 6te Aufl. von H. Röhl. - Vergils Gedichte erkl. von Th. Ladewig, C. Schaper and P. Deuticke. II. Buch I.-VI. der Äneis. 13te Aufl., bearb. von Paul Jahn. 341 pp. M. 3.20. - M. Tullii Ciceronis Orator erkl. von W. Kroll. 228 pp. M. 2.80. - Ciceros Reden Phil. III.-VI. 120 pp.; Phil.VII.-X. 121 pp. M. 1.20 each volume. - Sophokles erkl. von F. W. Schneidewin und A. Nauck; Aias, Iote Aufl., neue Bearb. von L. Radermacher, 196 pp.; Antigone, IIte Aufl., besorgt von Ewald Bruhn.: M. 2.20 each. - Cornelius Nepos erkl. von K. Nipperdey, in liter Aufl. besorgt von K. Witte. M. 3.40. - Thukydides erkl. von J. Cassen. Z weites Buch. 5te Aufl., bearb. von J. Steup. 330 pp. M. 3.60. [REVIEW]W. E. P. Pantin - 1915 - The Classical Review 29 (06):185-186.
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  41.  75
    Florus and Nepos Lucius Annaeus Florus. With an English translation by E. S. Forster, M.A. Cornelius Nepos. With an English translation by J. C. Rolfe, Litt.D. London : Heinemann; New York: Putnam's Sons, 1929. Pp. xv + 744. Cloth, 10s.; leather, 12s. 6d. [REVIEW]E. J. Wood - 1930 - The Classical Review 44 (05):194-195.
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    C. Suetonius Tranquillus: De Grammaticis et Rhetoribus (review).James E. G. Zetzel - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (3):475-478.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:C. Suetonius Tranquillus: De Grammaticis et RhetoribusJames E. G. ZetzelR. A. Kaster, ed. C. Suetonius Tranquillus: De Grammaticis et Rhetoribus. Edited with a translation, introduction, and commentary. Oxford: Clarendon Press. lx 1 370 pp. Cloth, $72.00.From a very early stage, the Romans were interested in their own literary history. In the second century B.C.E., Accius composed his didascalica; in the first century, Varro, Cornelius Nepos, and Julius (...)
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    Renesansowa koncepcja duszy w ujęciu H. C. Agrippy von Nettesheim na podstawie "De occulta philosophia".Tomasz Sebastian Cieślik - 2010 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 23:145-161.
    In my article I present the conception of soul of Cornelius Agrippa based on his greatest work "De occulta philosophia" which is a kid of summa of natural and occult philosophy, hermeticism, cabbala, astrology, humanistic theology, medicine, and alchemy. Henricus Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim (1486-1535) was a famous renaissance philosopher, cabalist, astrologer and theologian whose contribution in renaissance philosophical deliberations is significant but still unknown in Poland. Agrippa's notion of soul is very important for his own project of (...)
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    Routes of the Universal: “The Return of the Political” in the Black Atlantic.Niklas Plaetzer - 2021 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 50:103-129.
    Bien que les théoriciens du « retour du politique»s’efforcent de penser l’agir selon ses propres termes, c’est-à-dire en l’absence de fondements philosophiques, ils invoquent fréquemment des récits eurocentriques au sujet de l’histoire occidentale pour justifier la force critique de leur mode de pensée. La première partie de cet article met en évidence ce provincialisme du politique tel qu’il est en jeu chez Claude Lefort et Cornelius Castoriadis. Dans un deuxième moment, je présente la rencontre entre Socialisme ou Barbarie et (...)
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    La consonance imparfaite, Maurice Merleau-Ponty et la psychanalyse.Thamy Ayouch - 2012 - Lormont: Le Bord de l'eau.
    C'est "par ce qu'elle sous-entend ou dévoile à sa limite - par son contenu latent ou inconscient - que la phénoménologie est en consonance avec la psychanalyse", écrit Maurice Merleau-Ponty en 1960, dans la préface à l'ouvrage de Angelo Hesnard L'Oeuvre et l'esprit de Freud. Singulière euphonie, que celle ici entendue entre deux disciplines habituellement opposées dans leurs définitions : l'une centre en effet ses recherches sur la conscience, l'autre sur l'inconscient ; la première s'en tient à la description la (...)
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    Iconicity, Romance and History in the Crónica Sarracina.Marina S. Brownlee - 2006 - Diacritics 36 (3/4):119-130.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Iconicity, Romance and History in the Crónica SarracinaMarina S. Brownlee (bio)Though seemingly alien discourses, romance and historiography are perennially linked. Far from offering an atemporal imaginary universe that bears no resemblance to historical specificity, romance is constructed as a response to it. Rather than simply projecting for the reader the naïve appeal of a prelapsarian escapism from the harsh realities of history, romance involves a continuous and sophisticated reinvention (...)
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    Innovation and Creativity: Beyond Diffusion — On Ordered (Thus Determinable) Action and Creative Organization.Anders Michelsen - 2009 - Thesis Eleven 96 (1):64-82.
    The article confronts Cornelius Castoriadis's philosophy of 'the imaginary institution of society' with issues of innovation in a knowledge society and outlines a new notion of innovation as creative organization. It will take a critical approach to innovation from a historical perspective of postwar systems theory and introduce Castoriadis's philosophy as an interesting option in this regard. It proceeds in four parts: (a) First, it debates the limits of the commonplace metaphor of diffusion and adoption in today's debate on (...)
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    Public Information and African Traditional Communication Delivery System.F. Amadi - 2007 - Sophia: An African Journal of Philosophy 9 (1).
  49. Understanding Genuine Development: African Contexts.Luke Amadi - 2023 - In Bolaji Bateye, Mahmoud Masaeli, Louise F. Müller & Angela Roothaan, Beauty in African Thought: Critical Perspectives on the Western Idea of Development. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books.
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    Contribution à l'étude des problèmes philosophiques en Afrique noire.Amady Aly Dieng - 1983 - Paris: Nubia.
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